Why I'm Running

West Michiganders just want to live our lives - we wake up every day, work hard, play by the rules, earn enough to put food on our kitchen tables, and treat our families to something special every once in a while. Our government should be working to cut costs and help working families keep more of what they earn, but all we get from Washington politicians is partisan extremism and gridlock.

That’s not serving our communities. Everywhere I go – from girl scout troop meetings to church on Sunday mornings – West Michiganders tell me they want our government leaders to set aside party politics and just find solutions.

There is more that unites us than divides us. I believe we all agree that no matter who you are or where you come from, if you work hard you deserve a shot at the American dream.

I also believe we can deliver on common sense ideas that the majority of Americans agree on. Issues like:

  • Growing our economy

  • Cutting costs for working families

  • Protecting our Great Lakes

  • Defending Medicare and Social Security from budget cuts

  • Increasing access to broadband internet

  • Making healthcare affordable

  • Defending our democracy

  • Protecting abortion rights

  • Passing common sense gun control

  • Making sure millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share

Rather than working toward solutions on these issues, Congressman Bill Huizenga has embodied and emboldened extremism and partisanship in Washington and at home. He voted against the bipartisan infrastructure bill that’s fixing our roads, protecting our water, and creating jobs here in West Michigan. He voted against the bipartisan CHIPS act that helps us stand up to China and bring semiconductor manufacturing jobs to Michigan.

And he supports passing a national ban on abortion. In 2022, our district voted to amend Michigan’s constitution to enshrine a women’s right to choose. Huizenga’s ban would overturn the will of the people.

Bill Huizenga’s positions are extreme, partisan, and cruel. I’m running for Congress because West Michiganders want and deserve common sense representation from our elected officials. I am ready to deliver on Day One.